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He Saw and Believed

Jesus wants to give each of us a full and joy-filled resurrection faith, like the faith of the apostle John. More »

My Lord and My God!

The apostle Thomas was a man of deep faith and strong commitment to the Lord and the gospel! More »

A Saint with a Heart for Justice

With great courage and confidence in God’s grace, St. Katharine Drexel chose to give not just her fortune but her whole life totally to the Lord. More »

The Chair of St. Peter

Let us look to Peter as an example of faith. Jesus can use even the weakest people to build his church, as long as they respond to his grace of faith. More »

From Slave to Saint

St. Josephine—a woman transformed by Christ’s love and forgiveness—is a messenger of reconciliation. More »

The Healing Power of Faith

By his intercession and the example of his life, St. André encourages us to put our faith in God and open the door to his healing and transforming power. More »