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A Living Sign of the Mercy of God

For a man who always aimed to relate to church authorities with “firm, constant, and iron” obedience, he certainly was in trouble a lot. Critics charged him with sexual improprieties and mishandling donations. More »

Slave of the Slaves

For a few brief years early in the seventeenth century, two Jesuit saints-in-the-making lived together on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Majorca. Alphonsus Rodriguez, the respected older brother at the Jesuit College there, had taken under his wing Peter Claver, a devoted young seminarian. More »

Saint Augustine of Hippo

It was an adolescent prank—pears stolen from a neighbor’s tree. But as Augustine looked back on the incident many years later, it seemed reprehensible to him. He had no need of the pears; they were thrown to the pigs. It was the thrill of committing theft with his friends that he had sought. “My feasting was only on the wickedness which I took pleasure in enjoying” (Confessions, Book II, 12). More »

Saints to Accompany Us through the Week

Let’s turn our attention to the saints who accompany us through this week as Fr. Larry Richards offers us a selection of Scripture and a brief reflection for each morning and evening in his desk calendar No Bible, No Breakfast; No Bible, No Bed. More »

St. Anthony of Padua, Servant of the Gospel

Stories abound about the extraordinary events coloring the life of St. Anthony of Padua, the “wonder-worker.” Fish are said to have listened to him preach, their heads attentively raised out of the river, when the hard of heart refused to heed his words. More »