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“The Most Important Thing Is To Love”

In his address to Congress, Pope Francis spoke of Dorothy Day as an example of someone dedicated to “social justice and the rights of persons.” Here, from our archives, is an article from 1999 that gives a sketch of her life and speaks of her relationship with the Lord. More »

May nothing seen or unseen begrudge me making my way to Jesus Christ. Come, fire, cross, battling with wild beasts, wrenching of bones, mangling of limbs, crushing of my whole body, cruel tortures of the devil—only let me get to Jesus Christ. (Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Romans) More »

How many times have we heard someone tell us that God loves us? Love is a powerful and profound experience and yet those words—“God loves you”—can be so easily forgotten amid the day-to-day routine of life. More »

On a gray and misty late afternoon in February 1818, a thirty-one-year-old priest reached the outskirts of a backwater village north of Lyons, France. Immediately, he knelt down on the roadside and prayed. More »

In May of 1521, a captain in the Spanish army was wounded in battle—and the church has never been the same since. More »

In the frigid predawn darkness, a lone figure stood immobile in the snow: a young woman, oblivious to the cold, oblivious to the hour, alone with her God. She was just twenty-four years old, and her fragile health was failing. But her health had never been good, so why mind that now? What were these present sufferings compared to the life that awaited her? More »