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If you’ve ever been tempted to think that you’re not cut out for sanctity, consider the case of Camillus of Lellis. Here is a saint—the patron of hospitals, health care workers, and the sick— whose burning love for God effected a widespread reform of patient care. More »

When I was growing up, my mother introduced our family to the tradition of praying Psalm 91 every evening—and it’s a good thing she did. I memorized it, and it has guided and protected me throughout my life. More »

Sometimes, the voice of a saint echoes clearly to us down through the centuries. As a young adult, I found myself struggling, in the ordinary way of young people, with feeling alienated from God. In a fit of teenage rebellion, I had told God to get out of my life and leave me alone. Now, entangled in patterns of sin that I was powerless to unravel, I needed God’s help but didn’t know how to get it. I didn’t even know if it was possible. More »

St. Anthony of Padua was a great Franciscan preacher from the Middle Ages, but he is most remembered as the finder of lost or stolen objects. Even today stories are told by people who recover lost articles following prayer for the intercession of St. Anthony. More »

“Ecco Filippone! Here comes the great Philip!” This was not an unfamiliar cry in the streets of sixteenth-century Rome as the local youth spotted Philip Neri strolling down the street with his friends in the late afternoon. Philip was hard to miss, with his large white shoes, rough coat and comical hat. More »

The most famous photograph we have of him was taken just a few weeks before his death. It depicts a priest in a faded black cassock, wearing a battered hat whose sides are held up by string. More »