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Our Lady is absolutely unique among all God’s creatures, because she stands in a special relationship to the Most Holy Trinity. She is the loving daughter of God the Father. She is the loving mother of God the Son. She is the loving spouse of God the Holy Spirit. More »

There’s no other way to say it: St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was in love with God. He was so impelled by a burning desire to make Jesus known and loved, in fact, that he threw all his talents and energies into helping others develop a personal relationship with God by embracing Jesus Christ in their lives. More »

Thousands of cheers—and a few jeers—greeted the news that Juan Diego, the humble visionary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, was proclaimed a saint by Pope John Paul II on July 31, 2002. As with many canonizations, there were challenges. In this case, the challenge involved both the person and the miraculous image connected with his story. More »

A friend was struggling. You could see it in his eyes and in his growing estrangement from his family and from church. I prayed for him, sensing he was headed for deep trouble. And since the need was so great and the crisis so near, I entrusted my friend to the care of St. Nicholas of Myra. More »

In February 1927, with one stroke of the pen, Mexican President General Plutarco Elias Calles turned every priest in his country into an outlaw. He ordered them to leave their posts, wherever they were, and to report immediately to Mexico City. More »

Free, educated, and beautiful, Henriette Delille enjoyed the highest status possible for a black woman in a slave state before the Civil War. Yet, out of love for God, Henriette chose to exchange a life of relative ease and wealth for one of poverty and struggle. More »