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How did the son of a wealthy merchant become the town beggar? What would prompt a popular young bachelor to start talking dreamily about “Lady Poverty”? What would cause a carefree “King of Feasts” to abandon the party scene and spend his time rebuilding a ramshackle old chapel stone by stone? More »

And now, at this moment, weak servant of God that I am, I must assume this enormous task, which truly exceeds all human capacity. How can I do this? How will I be able to do it? All of you, my dear friends, have just invoked the entire host of saints, represented by some of the great names in the history of God’s dealings with mankind. In this way, I too can say with renewed conviction: I am not alone. I do not have to carry alone what in truth I could never carry alone. All the saints of God are there to protect me, to sustain me, and to carry me. And your prayers, my dear friends, your indulgence, your love, your faith, and your hope accompany me. More »

Christians for three centuries have treasured The Practice of the Presence of God—the collection of Brother Lawrence’s letters and conversations in which he reveals the secrets of walking with God at all times. His advice is especially pertinent today, when the hectic pace of modern life often makes it difficult to spend quality time with the Lord.

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St. Thomas More is widely known as "a man for all seasons," but he is best known for the final season of his life. A prominent government official when Henry VIII seized control over the church in England, Thomas refused to go along with the power grab. For that, Henry had him executed, in July 1535. More »

Joy and holiness are intimately interrelated. When holiness unfolds in the context of our daily life, joy increases in the same process. Deep joy is growth in holiness. More »

John the Baptist reached beyond himself, both backward and forward in time. He represented the history of Israel, waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a messiah. And he pointed to the future, announcing the coming of the Messiah who would establish the reign of God. More »

Teresa of Ávila is a woman, a saint, a mystic, and a doctor of the church. She is best known for her reform of the Carmelite community in sixteenth-century Spain and for her many inspiring and profound writings that were saved and circulated in the decades after her death. As a woman of prayer, Teresa is a good model for anyone who wants to live a simple life with God in the midst of a complex world. More »