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John the Baptist reached beyond himself, both backward and forward in time. He represented the history of Israel, waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Messiah. And he pointed to the future, announcing the coming of the Messiah who would establish the reign of God. More »

Everybody loves St. Anthony of Padua, yet few of us know all that much about his life. We know that he is the patron saint to call on when we need help finding our lost keys. More »

It is late at night, almost seven hundred years ago, in the lovely central Italian region of Tuscany. Inside a small room, a young woman is speaking animatedly about God. More »

Theme: Jesus told Sister Faustina that he is “Love and Mercy.” 1 At the core of Faustina’s spirituality was her awareness of Christ’s invitation to dwell in his merciful love. More »