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In the year 1112, a bright young nobleman embarked on an adventure that pioneered new paths—politically, socially, and spiritually—throughout Western Europe. His passion for the gospel and his charismatic personality were so attractive that he drew thirty other men—peers and elders—into the adventure with him. More »

The modern tendency to enshrine the human intellect—to the exclusion of the spiritual—was well underway in mid-nineteenth century Europe. Rationalism had become entrenched among the educated elite, many of whom regarded the church and its beliefs as relics of the past. For them, religion was for the poor masses who didn’t know better. More »

Everybody loves St. Anthony of Padua, yet few of us know all that much about his life. We know that he is the patron saint to call on when we need help finding our lost keys. But why does virtually every statue of St. Anthony show him holding the Christ child in his arms? We might have expected him to be depicted holding a lost set of car keys! Nor would it be surprising to see him holding a Bible, for he was one of the most famous Scripture teachers of his day. More »