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Born to Save Us

As the New Year begins, many people make resolutions that are soon forgotten. The Church always encourages good resolutions at the beginning of the year but also brings us to the true “new beginning” that came about when Jesus was born of Mary. More »

“Am I Not Your Mother?”

Thousands of cheers—and a few jeers—greeted the news that Juan Diego, the humble visionary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, was proclaimed a saint by Pope John Paul II on July 31, 2002. As with many canonizations, there were challenges. In this case, the challenge involved both the person and the miraculous image connected with his story. More »

Mary Immaculate

Mary continues her role as mother of life with you and me and all of her spiritual children. As mother of Life himself, Mary mediates the life of Christ to us as the new Eve, as the Mother of the Church, and finally, as our mother. More »

Come to the Father

In 1902, a sociologist named Charles Cooley developed a theory called the “Looking Glass Self.” According to Cooley, the way we think about ourselves is formed in large part by what we think the most important people in our lives think about us. More »

Thanksgiving All Year Long

The national holiday of Thanksgiving—celebrated in November in the United States and in October in Canada—is a perfect opportunity to think about gratitude. It can remind us and our families about the importance of being grateful—for the Lord as the source of life, and for one another—all year long. More »