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St. Luke the Artist Paints with Words

When was the last time you visited an art gallery or museum and wandered about, enjoying the paintings and sculptures? More »

Praying with Thanksgiving

Prayers of thanksgiving make up a big part of all my daily prayer times. I thank the Lord for all the marvels of his creation and love. I praise him for this vast universe of one hundred billion galaxies, for this beautiful planet he made as a dwelling for us, his sons and daughters, and for the Word made flesh, who dwelt among us as Jesus Christ, in whom we have salvation and eternal life. More »

“Male and Female He Created Them”

Let us turn our attention to a seemingly simple statement found in the opening pages of Scripture: “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). More »

Jubilantly Unemployed

After several decades in the food manufacturing industry, I rose to a position of respect and high compensation. But the year I turned fifty, my company fell on hard times. Tension began to mount in the factory, especially among those of us on the leadership team. I started to get defensive in the workplace. That’s when I realized I needed to adjust my priorities and seek God’s will for my career. More »

Saints Grieve Too

The saints were not immune from the suffering that comes from loss and grief. No one is; it’s part of the human condition. More »

Parenting Lessons from the Saints

Quite a few years ago, St. Joseph came into my life in a new way. Not long before, I had taken the plunge from singlehood to married life, jumping into the deep end of the pool by marrying a widower with six children. I was hardly a natural for the role of stepmother (just ask the children!). More »