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Praying for Christian Unity

Began in 1908, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from January 18-25. It is jointly supported and sponsored by the World Council of Churches, a body which includes, among others, most of the world's Orthodox churches as well as many Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed, United and Independent churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, representing the entire Catholic Church. More »

A Juggling Act

Work, household chores, church commitments, school projects, and sports practices! How many nights do you fall into bed feeling as if you were in motion all day without a moment to take a deep breath? Unfortunately, the sensation of being caught in a daily whirlpool, forcefully spun around, is all too commonplace. More »

Baptism of the Lord

Why did Jesus, the Sinless One, submit himself to John’s baptism of repentance? At his baptism, Jesus accepted his mission as God’s suffering servant on behalf of all sinful men and women. More »

The Adoration of the Magi

Magi were learned sages from the East. The word magoi, meaning “wise men,” was the Greek form of the Old Persian magav. Perhaps Persian astrologers of a priestly caste, Matthew’s wise men are the first to seek an encounter with Jesus. More »

When Heaven Invaded Earth

What do you think about when you hear the word "invasion"? Do you perhaps recall the invasion of June 6, 1944, when millions of British, United States, and Canadian forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control? More »