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Pray with Pope Francis!

Let us join with Christians around the world in praying for these special intentions of our Holy Father. More »


Most names don’t reveal very much about the person who carries them. But that’s not true of the angels whom we honor. Michael, whose name means “Who is like God,” is known for his great power in fighting against Satan and his demons. Gabriel’s name means “strength,” and he certainly gave strength to Mary when he told her she would be the Mother of God (Luke 1:28). Raphael’s name means “healer,” and he is the one who cured Tobit’s blindness (Tobit 11). More »

Speaking the Truth in Love

It’s often difficult to speak the truth in love to our friends and families. Such words can be difficult to both give and accept. But doing so enhances the virtue of humility in both the one who is speaking those words and the one who is hearing them. In fact, we do not love our neighbor when we fail to speak charitable words of correction when necessary. More »

How do you react in the face of a danger that seems to loom large? It could be a threat on the global stage, like international terrorism, war, economic crisis, natural disaster, or news of a possible flu epidemic. More »

"O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay and you the potter: We are all the work of your hands." (Isaiah 64:7) This well-known image from Scripture gives us a good idea of the way God wants to shape our lives with his grace. Just as a potter shapes a lump of clay into a vessel, so God wants to shape us into vessels of his grace—vessels that can hold his divine grace and pour that grace out to the people around us. More »

Hold Fast to the Truth!

“A pure block of purpose.” That’s how a friend of Newman’s summed up his life. From start to finish, Blessed John Henry Newman pursued one singular, overarching quest: the quest for truth. More »

Our Lady of Sorrows

September 15th is the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. It is a longstanding tradition in our church to wear a medal of Our Lady of Sorrows. Many people, in fact, have been wearing this particular sacramental for years, and would never be parted from it. More »

This Sunday, the 14th of September, is the Feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, formerly known as the Triumph of the Cross. More »