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If you’ve never prayed the Rosary before, this article will give you the basics; and, if you’re returning to the Rosary after a long time away, you can use this article as a "refresher course." Keep in mind, though, that there are no "Rosary police" checking up on you to make sure that you’re doing it "the right way." More »

"For God all things are possible." —Mark 10:27

Sometimes it’s easy to fool ourselves into believing that nothing can change and that things are as they always will be. More »

It’s amazing. No single event has affected so many individual lives over the course of so many centuries as the resurrection of Jesus from the dead nearly two thousand years ago. More »

1. Be filled by God. There is a big difference between an empty gas tank and a full one. Likewise, God wants us to be regularly filling up on his grace, not running on empty. More »

For the apostles, Jesus’ final instructions to them before his ascension had a bittersweet quality. His resurrection appearances and future promises filled them with hope. But his order to stay in Jerusalem, where he had been crucified and where their lives were in constant danger, must have been difficult to accept. More »

In Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II singles out five saints as exceptional models of prayer. Four are well known to most Catholics. More »

In his farewell discourse, Jesus announced his imminent death and resurrection to his disciples with these mysterious words: "I go away, and I will come to you," he said (John 14:28). Dying is a "going away." Even if the body of the deceased remains behind, he himself has gone away into the unknown, and we cannot follow him (see 13:36). Yet in Jesus’ case, there is something utterly new, which changes the world. More »