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The dazzling glory revealed at Jesus’ transfiguration was an expression of his divine nature and, as Archbishop Fulton Sheen so eloquently put it, “of the inherent loveliness of ‘him who came down from heaven.’ The wonder was not this momentary radiance around him; it was rather that at all other times it was repressed” (Life of Christ). More »

In third grade Sr. Cordelia gave out free tickets to the movies for every student in the class. In fact, Catholic school kids throughout Chicago were offered the tickets to see a movie about a Catholic saint. More »

Has any saint received more negative press than Martha? All she did was ask Jesus to tell her sister to help her with the chores, and she ended up being branded as spiritually dull, overly anxious, or even worse, spiteful. After all, Jesus rejected Martha’s request and even told her that her own priorities were out of order. More »

Some would say that waiting patiently is a lost art in our society. Who enjoys waiting in heavy traffic? Who welcomes a delay at the doctor’s office, at a restaurant, or at the supermarket check- out? More »

Teens and twenty-somethings from around the world are converging on Brazil this month for World Youth Day. Among early photos of Karol and Agnes, two in particular would make great WYD posters. More »

Most of us have done things that we regret doing. And then, to make things worse, we might lie about what we have done in order to cover up the matter. Sometimes we get away with it, but the wrongdoing remains. At other times, things get tense, and we end up having to deceive and manipulate even more for fear that we will lose control over the situation. And in the process we lose more of our credibility. More »