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Stories abound about the extraordinary events coloring the life of St. Anthony of Padua, the “wonder-worker.” Fish are said to have listened to him preach, their heads attentively raised out of the river, when the hard of heart refused to heed his words. More »

Every year when our children were growing up, I used to feel ambushed by summer. As school came to an end and our regular schedule disappeared, it was a struggle to change gears and begin dealing with that familiar question: “I’m bored, Mom, what can I do?” More »

When I hear the phrase, “Jesus saves,” I think of poorly lettered billboards on many a country road. I also remember an unpleasant incident when I was buttonholed by a street evangelist who asked: “Are you saved, brother?” But these unhappy experiences of insensitivity cannot change what is central for me, as for every Christian: Jesus does save. More »

Some years ago, my life seemed perfect. I had a great job with excellent pay, an awesome family, a beautiful house, and loving and trusted friends. Then my husband’s company offered him a position in Denver, Colorado. More »

On Sunday, June 2, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis is presiding over a special worldwide Eucharistic Adoration. It will take place at 5:00 PM, Rome time (11:00 AM Eastern time). Dioceses and parishes all over the world will join in simultaneously, or, depending on the time zone, with a Holy Hour at a more convenient time that day. More »

Women often struggle to answer the question, “Who am I beyond what I do for others?” In our culture, we identify ourselves by the roles we play: wife, working or stay-at-home mom, career woman, volunteer, friend, caregiver, and so forth. Yet a woman’s soul cries out for a deeper definition of self. More »

When we talk about conversion, it’s important to remember that there are two kinds—both of them essential to being followers of Christ. There is initial conversion: coming to know Jesus and bring drawn into the blessings of being members of his body, the church. Through conversion and baptism, we are brought into the kingdom of God and know that heaven is opened to us. More »