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Everything is new, as we begin the Easter season! For seven weeks, we hear about the new life that the apostles received at Pentecost. We learn about the new gathering of believers, which came to be called the church. And we discover how these first believers came to live out the new commandment to love one another. More »

Jesus, so many in the world today hunger for the bread of love. All they know are false loves that neither satisfy nor fill the heart. All they know are attachments to objects or philosophies or themselves — not to you, the source of all love and beauty. Lord, let the bread of your love come into their hearts and satisfy their deepest hunger. More »

It began as an ordinary day, like so many others. I was at home—eight months pregnant with my third child—feeding my one-year-old daughter and watching through the window as my son, Neil, played outside. More »

David had a host of things to fear: enemies and foes coming “to devour” his flesh; armies encamped, and wars waged, against him; even the threat of disruption in his immediate family. More »

For years I fingered my rosary at night when I couldn’t sleep, repeating my childhood prayers without thinking much about their meaning. I wasn’t even fully aware of the “mysteries” I was supposed to be meditating on; I just wanted the mantra to lull me into slumber. More »

“Throughout the world the Second Sunday of Easter will receive the name Divine Mercy Sunday, a perennial invitation . . . to face, with confidence in divine benevolence, the difficulties and trials that humanity will experience in the years to come.” More »

Easter is the most important feast of the Christian year—so important that the church sets aside a full fifty days to celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Not many of us are used to sustaining an “Easter spirit” of celebration all the way to Pentecost, though, so here are fifty easy suggestions. More »

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »