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The Women at the Tomb

We have always asked how it was that the pious women were the first to see the Risen One and to be given the task of taking the news to the apostles. This was the surest way to make the resurrection hardly credible at all. More »

We Have Died with Christ

Jesus, their Master and friend, was gone, the victim of a cruel and seemingly purposeless death. All their rising hopes were inexplicably shattered. Each apostle had struggled to understand who Jesus really was and what he meant to accomplish. More »

The Place of the Skull

Golgotha is the Greek transcription given by Matthew (27:33, Mark (15:22), and John (19:17) of an Aramaic word explained by them to mean “skull.” More »

“In Remembrance of Me”

Imagine you were walking down the street with a large sum of money in your pocket —more money than you ever had before. What would you do? Would you forget about it, acting as if nothing were different from any other day? More »

God Loves You!

Why did Jesus die for our sins? The answer was like a flash of sunlight illuminating the faith of the Church: because he loved us! More »

The Suffering Servant Is at Our Side

Suffering is an inescapable part of life. Whether it involves the minor bumps and bruises of daily living or deep traumas like terminal illness, sudden widowhood, or a nasty divorce, suffering touches all of our lives. More »

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This Tuesday, our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, celebrated his inaugural Mass in St. Peter’s Square. I’m sure many of you have already seen video clips or read news reports of the event—and of the many other things that Pope Francis has done since his election last week. More »

Go to St. Joseph!

Many Christians who expect and experience the motherly care of the woman who gave birth to Jesus do not realize that they have a father in the man we honor as “St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” More »