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Today, with the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, we begin a new chapter in the long history of our Church. No doubt, the Holy Father’s decision to step down will be discussed, dissected, and analyzed for centuries to come. For myself, I see it as the humble and selfless act of a man with heroic love for Jesus and the Church. More »

A Lesson about Lent

In Minnesota, where I live, Lent comes at just the right time for penance. February and March are the dreariest months of the year. More »

Let’s Get Real about Prayer

Why are we so shocked when our lives get filled with stress? Why are so many Christians still so often without joy? Why are anxiety and worry more prevalent than peace in many modern believers? I’ll throw out one possible answer: We don’t pray enough. More »

True and False Fasting

Fasting isn’t just about giving up food or drink. No, the fasting that we are called to each Lent is meant to focus us on God and his kingdom. More »

The Sin Basket

I love Lent. It’s no secret. My family knows it, my friends know it, anyone who has any communication with me during this season of unburdening knows it. More »