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“Dearest Lord . . .”

Grant me, almighty and merciful God, to desire fervently, to investigate wisely, to acknowledge sincerely, and to fulfill perfectly the things that please you. More »

We March by Faith

January 25, 2013, will bring hundreds of thousands of people to Washington, DC, for the annual March for Life. Tens of thousands more will attend companion events in other parts of the US. Some will carry signs, some will pray the rosary, and others will chant pro-life slogans. More »

40 Years after Roe v. Wade

As we keep praying and working for an end to abortion in the US and elsewhere, let’s be encouraged by the witness of the countless “ordinary people” engaged in various aspects of pro-life work. Here is one of their stories. It comes from Emily Nelson, who volunteers in a crisis pregnancy center that brings hope and help to women and children in desperate need. More »

“They Are Our Brethren”

Not long after his election as pope in 1959, Blessed John XXIII surprised the whole world when he announced his intention to convene the Second Vatican Council. Nobody expected this affable son of peasant farmers to take such a bold move. More »

Open Your Eyes

That November day in 2004 began like so many others: off to early Mass, breakfast at Sparky’s Diner, and then on to work. It started taking a different turn late in the morning, when my son Tom called, asking that I drive him to a doctor’s appointment. More »

A Universal Call to Party

My kids seem to love their faith. And why not? The church packs the calendar with dozens of reasons to party. To our family’s way of thinking, “practicing Catholics” are those who celebrate the most. More »

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Each new year brings the expectation of a better world,” says Pope Benedict in his message for this year’s World Day of Peace, on January 1. A world where each of us knows the peace that comes from living according to God’s will—“interior peace with oneself, and exterior peace with our neighbors and all creation.” More »

A Revolutionary New Year’s Resolution

Every new year presents us with an exciting challenge and opportunity. As another year fades into memory and as we stand on the brink of a new beginning, we almost naturally ask ourselves, “What can I do this year to better myself?” More »