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Welcome Christ our Light!

The feast of Epiphany celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the world. For all of us, God’s love bursts forth like a light that pierces the darkness. More »

Honor the Mother

The title “Mother of God” is the Western church’s equivalent of the ancient Eastern title Theotokos, which means “God-bearer.” In 431, the Council of Ephesus sanctioned the title Theotokos for Mary as a way of declaring and protecting the divinity of Christ. The title declares the most important truth about Mary: She is the Mother of God. More »

Pray with Pope Benedict

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

Two Goals for Your New Year

When I was in college, I dreaded semester finals. Sometimes, I had three finals on one day. When I graduated, I was glad because I thought my testing days were over. I was wrong. More »

Remembering the Innocents

In any age, the murder of innocent, defenseless children is an unspeakable horror. Who of us could not be moved to great sorrow—even anger—by such acts of violence? How could Herod order such an abominable act? More »

A Passionate Church

No doubt about it, the church today faces many obstacles. But imagine for a moment some of the obstacles that faced the first generation of Christians. More »

Jesus Is Born

Today is a day for all the children of God to sing for joy. Christ, our Savior, is born today in a humble stable. More »

Celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas trees go up the day after Thanksgiving and go out the day after Christmas, just before the ritual of returning and exchanging gifts. The time in between is a flurry of parties, shopping, and school events. More »