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US Army chaplain Emil Kapaun died in a POW camp in North Korea on May 23, 1951. Now, six decades later, his cause for canonization is underway, as is an effort to posthumously award him the Medal of Honor. More »

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

This reflection appears towards the end of Cardinal Martini’s thought-provoking chapter on the Visitation in "The Gospel Way of Mary: A Journey of Trust and Surrender". More »

Around the turn of the last century, millions of Europeans took part in a wave of immigration to the United States in search of new opportunities. Many who came were of limited means and did not speak English. More »

Jesus’ way of presenting the Holy Spirit made it evident that his followers were supposed to relate to the Spirit as a teacher, a counselor, a consoler—as someone who would help and guide them in their daily lives as Christians. In the Acts of the Apostles, we saw that Christ’s followers were in a dialogue with the Spirit, who actively directed and assisted them in their missionary activity. More »

On the feast of the Ascension, we are called to rejoice both in Jesus’ victory over sin and death and in the glorious life that he has secured for us. We pray that we would experience the new life that is ours in Christ. Three aspects of that new life stand out in today’s reading from Ephesians: More »

I stood watch over my mother. It was the third night since she had been removed from life support, and various family members were taking turns at her bedside. This was my night to keep vigil. More »