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When God breaks into human history, all the details of the story are important. In the details, he’s trying to tell us something. Here’s one significant “detail” that merits our attention during Advent: When God sent us a Savior, he sent him by way of a family—the Holy Family of Nazareth. More »

The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, miraculously imprinted on St. Juan Diego’s cloak, speaks a message about life. First, it shows that Mary is carrying Christ within her. More »

Scripture tells us that “by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4). More »

The Catechism explains that Mary, the all-holy and ever-virgin mother of God, is “the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time” (721). She was a “first” in God’s plan of salvation. More »

Nicholas was one year old and had been in four foster homes when my husband, Tom, and I adopted him from Guatemala. We realized he might have problems but were eager to love this little boy, along with our four other children. More »

Leaving our teenagers at home for a few days without a sitter for the first time was scary. Our decision to travel was made and unmade at least a thousand times (or so it seemed). More »