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The supermarket was crowded when I rushed inside, intent on getting my shopping done as quickly as possible. I was hurrying down an aisle, when a wispy voice asked, “Excuse me, Miss. Can you tell me where the coffee is?” More »

"Record Numbers of Teens Serving Others. Family Upbringing Identified as Cause." Imagine that as a headline in the morning paper. More »

Have you ever noticed how much being in love can change someone? Think, for instance, of a man and woman engaged to be married. Their hearts are consumed with thoughts of one another. More »

St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1231) was a wealthy princess. As was common with royalty in her day, when she was only four years old, she was betrothed to the prince of a neighboring country in what is modern-day Germany. More »

Here’s a paradox that is central to Christianity: We lose what we keep, and we gain what we give away! “Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it,” Jesus told his disciples (Luke 17:33). More »

“The Bible,” I was told when I was brand new to faith, “is a series of love letters from God to his people.” One of the characteristics of cherished words from someone who loves us is that they always seem to know just what to say to us when we are going through something hard, even if we can’t quite express what it is we’re going through ourselves. More »