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My mother called with the news one cold October night. “Hello, Janet? I just wanted you to know that Grandma Grace is dying.” She continued with details of how Grandma had begun refusing food two days before. More »

It is clear from this parable that the farmer has way more than necessary to meet his own family’s needs since he intends to build a bigger barn to store his surplus. The difficult part for most Christians is to discern how much we really need. More »

Work, household chores, church commitments, school projects, and sports practices! How many days do you fall into bed feeling as if you were in motion all day without a moment to take a deep breath? Unfortunately, for many people, the sensation of being forcefully spun around in a daily whirlpool is all too commonplace. More »

Did you know that the Hebrew word "selah" occurs seventy times in thirty-nine of the psalms? While we don’t know for certain what it means, many biblical scholars believe that selah was a musical term used to indicate a pause in a song, whether for emphasis or for reflection. More »

I grew up in a big family, with grandparents and cousins nearby. Life was a round of family visits and gatherings, with twenty people jammed around the table for holidays. Then my husband and I moved away to a big city where I hardly knew a soul. I was terribly homesick and missed my family desperately. But at least, I still had “Days of Our Lives”! More »

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, popularly known as the Little Flower, died in 1897 at the age of twenty-four. Had she lived to be ninety, as two of her blood sisters did, she would have died in 1963. More »

On September 29, we commemorate the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. The catechism tells us that angels are created spiritual beings with intellects and wills and that each angel is a unique and immortal heavenly being (CCC, 327-336). More »