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When we try to think of ourselves as holy, often our first reaction is to exclaim, “Not me!” That may be because we tend to think of holiness as something reserved for great saints and heroes, and we know we aren’t in that category! However, the truth is that by the fact of our baptism we are all called to holiness. More »

In 1985, Pope John Paul II announced a new initiative that would go down as a milestone in church history: an international pilgrimage with young people from all over the world. More »

Mary’s Song, called the Magnificat, tells us more than any other gospel story just how Mary approached prayer (Luke 1:46-55). Mary had heard that her long-barren cousin Elizabeth was pregnant, and so she went to visit her. More »

Most people are familiar with the eight hundred-year-old Dominican Order, one of the ten largest religious communities in the world. But how many know much about its founder, St. Dominic? More »

Unlike any other book ever written, the Bible is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12). Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Scripture has the power to bring God himself into our lives. Listen, for instance, to Moses as he addresses the Israelites just as they are about to enter the Promised Land. More »