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Years ago, I came across a wonderful little book called "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. Carothers was in military prison when a Christian told him to stop complaining about his problems and start praising God precisely for those problems. More »

He looked so small and helpless lying face up in that hospital bed. The crisp, laundered sheets covered his little body and I could barely see his face peering over them. More »

Of all the kinds of healing, physical healing is perhaps the hardest for us to really believe in; it is far easier to believe that prayer can lead to repentance or can change a person psychologically. More »

When I was growing up, my mother introduced our family to the tradition of praying Psalm 91 every evening—and it’s a good thing she did. I memorized it, and it has guided and protected me throughout my life. More »

Sometimes, the voice of a saint echoes clearly to us down through the centuries. As a young adult, I found myself struggling, in the ordinary way of young people, with feeling alienated from God. In a fit of teenage rebellion, I had told God to get out of my life and leave me alone. Now, entangled in patterns of sin that I was powerless to unravel, I needed God’s help but didn’t know how to get it. I didn’t even know if it was possible. More »