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I was a college student on a long-term visit to a midwestern city. Friends had arranged for me to stay with a young couple there who had been married only a year or two. More »

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the garden and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. (John 20:1) More »

For a number of holy men and women in history, the love of God made visible on Good Friday was more than just one element of their spiritual life; it became the source of a spirituality that permeated their progress in holiness. One of the most well-known of these was Francis of Assisi. More »

St. Thomas Aquinas was known for his deep devotion to the Eucharist. When you attend Mass this week, pray this prayer written by him to help you prepare to receive Communion: More »

That word, “I am thirsty,” is of all the last words that Jesus spoke on the cross the most personal and the most intimate. More »

The modern tendency to enshrine the human intellect—to the exclusion of the spiritual—was well underway in mid-nineteenth century Europe. More »

Mother Teresa often saw God in the “poorest of the poor.” Twice in my life, I was one of these most needy ones. Once it was as a beggar, sitting with an empty coffee cup on the steps of churches, looking for coins from Sunday morning Mass-goers. More »