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Some years ago, I was driving my daughter to a school event when a homeless woman came to my car window as I waited for a red light. She asked me for a dollar. I wanted to be a good example for my daughter, so I gave the woman five dollars. More »

“Take care what you hear,” said a verse in the Gospel reading for the day (Mark 4:21-25). And so, when Julia opened her Bible, she prayed that she would pay attention to what she was about to “hear” in the passage she was reading. More »

The man whom Bible readers know by both the Semitic name “Saul” and the Greco-Roman name “Paul” was born into a setting that dovetailed two dramatically different cultures: the Judaism of Jerusalem and the Greco-Roman world of Damascus. More »

"Serve me." These were the words I “heard” deep in my heart one evening five years ago as I was walking into my bedroom. Of course, I didn’t really hear them, but they were there loud and clear in my spirit just the same. More »

Consider this: Right now, Jesus is in heaven interceding for you, even as he intercedes for the entire world. It’s right there in Scripture: The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that because Jesus’ priesthood is eternal, “he is able for all time to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them” (7:25). More »

Early on the morning of February 3, 1943, survivors from the torpedoed U.S. troopship Dorchester shivered in lifeboats as they watched their ship slide slowly into the nerve-deadening cold of the North Atlantic. More »

Many Christians think that the ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement—full unity of all the followers of Christ in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church that Jesus founded—is wishful thinking, a dream . . . impossible. More »

Some of the happiest days in my son’s life—and in mine—occurred during the years when he was playing baseball in Little League. More »