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“O Lord, you have searched me and known me. . . . and are acquainted with all my ways.” —Psalm 139:1, 3 More »

He stands on a sun-bleached dune, his tangled hair blowing in the wind and his dark eyes bearing an intense, faraway look. His hand grips a well-worn staff, and his sheepskin cloak clings to his gaunt frame. More »

The French officer was in trouble. Just twenty-three, second lieutenant Christian de Chergé had been drafted while halfway through his seminary studies. More »

It’s probably the busiest intersection in the city. Fashionable shops line the sidewalks as well-dressed men and women walk briskly by. The sound of traffic fills the air, mingling with the chatter of pedestrians and the occasional car radio blaring loud music through open windows. Another lunch hour has begun. More »

Every year on August 6, the church celebrates one of the most dramatic moments in the gospel, when Jesus' first followers are given a glimpse of his heavenly glory. Peter, James, and John have climbed a high mountain with their Master, when he is suddenly transfigured before their eyes. His face and clothing blaze with light; Moses and Elijah appear and begin speaking with him; and the Father's voice rings out a message of love and a command to listen (Matthew 17:1-9). More »

"He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.'" (Mark 5:34) More »

As I was growing up, my family could have said, with the disciples of John the Baptist whom Paul discovered at Ephesus, “We haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:2). But we were spared a total aridity because we knew someone who, without our realizing it, was filtering the Holy Spirit to us. It was Mary. Somehow in this woman we were given some inkling of who or what the Holy Spirit is. More »