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Try to imagine the paradox: The cross, an instrument of extreme cruelty and disgrace, has become God's instrument of triumph and glory. With the battle over sin and death accomplished, Jesus now sits exalted in glory at the right hand of the Father. More »

“God has a plan for your life.” I have heard the phrase countless times and never really doubted it. But it took a jolt to bring that truth home more deeply. More »

Have you ever tried to clean a sidewalk, a driveway, or a concrete patio? Of course, scrubbing and scrubbing with hot water will wipe away some of the dirt, but if you want to restore it to its original whiteness, you need something more. In many cases, a good dose of bleach will do a fine job—and often with far less labor on your part. All you have to do is pour out the cleaning solution and spray it with a blast of water. Then, almost miraculously, the dirt rolls right off, and the concrete is as good as new. More »

Even in my youth, I knew that teaching children is both a calling and a gift and that God was calling me to the teaching profession. Heeding that call, I have spent more than twenty-five years in the classroom, working with students of various ages and abilities. Perhaps some of the lessons I have learned there, as well as from raising a daughter and son, may help other parents to improve their children's academic performance—and to emerge from the often tumultuous school years with sanity intact! More »

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was widely regarded as a saint in her own lifetime. A symbol of goodness for people everywhere, she was also the recipient of countless awards, including the 1979 Nobel Prize for Peace. More »

"Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." (John 1:51) More »