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1000 hours (10:00 a.m.): I am traveling with a military convoy, making pastoral visits to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. First stop is their Forward Operating Base (FOB) in a central Iraq town. I set up for Mass in a corner of the busy area where the Marines eat, recreate, and do triage for the wounded. More »

"The parable challenges the attitude and behavior of the listeners. The question is addressed to them: are you jealous because I am good for your neighbors? This question challenges them to allow such a God into their life." —Jan Lambrecht, SJ, "Out of the Treasure: The Parables in the Gospel of Matthew" More »

Step 1: Open Your Heart to the Lord. Choose a quiet place. You may want to be alone, or with your spouse, or with a close friend. More »

How did the son of a wealthy merchant become the town beggar? What would prompt a popular young bachelor to start talking dreamily about “Lady Poverty”? What would cause a carefree “King of Feasts” to abandon the party scene and spend his time rebuilding a ramshackle old chapel stone by stone? More »

The superscription calls this “a song of praise,” and no more description is needed. The Lord is praised for his power and glory, but even more for his love. More »

It doesn't take Doppler radar to reveal the storms in our lives. Apart from global terrorism and local violence, every family experiences turmoil: mismatched expectations, needy relatives, rebellious children, mounting debt, sudden unemployment, perplexing choices, beginnings and endings full of uncertainty. Yes, we are "battered by the waves . . . for the wind (is) against" us (Matthew 14:24). More »

Imagine a young father coming home from work. As he walks up the driveway, his three-year-old son spots him through the front window of their home. More »

Today’s feast [Sts. Peter and Paul] offers me the opportunity to meditate once again on Peter’s confession, the decisive moment in the journey of the disciples with Jesus. The synoptic gospels have it take place in the district of Caesarea Philippi (see Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-22). More »