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Build up others this Lent with your thoughts on the Sunday Mass readings and meditation. Three questions for reflection and discussion will be offered for each of the six Sundays during Lent. Please pray through the questions and share your insights or what the Lord spoke to you in the comments area below. Your words will inspire others in The Word Among Us community and encourage them during this grace-filled season. More »

"And [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to the synagogue, as his custom was, on the sabbath day. And he stood up to read; and there was given to him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book and found the place where it was written, More »

Build up others this Lent with your thoughts on the Sunday Mass readings and meditation. Three questions for reflection and discussion will be offered for each of the six Sundays during Lent. Please pray through the questions and share your insights or what the Lord spoke to you in the comments area below. Your words will inspire others in The Word Among Us community and encourage them during this grace-filled season. More »

Then Jesus said, "There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me.' So he divided his property between them. A few days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. More »

Build up others this Lent with your thoughts on the Sunday Mass readings and meditation. Three questions for reflection and discussion will be offered for each of the six Sundays during Lent. Please pray through the questions and share your insights or what the Lord spoke to you in the comments area below. Your words will inspire others in The Word Among Us community and encourage them during this grace-filled season. More »

When I celebrate baptisms, I love to ask for the help of a child in the congregation, preferably an older sibling of the baby being baptized. More »

"I shall instruct you and teach you the way to go; I shall not take my eyes off you" (Psalm 32:8). You may not be aware of it, but God is speaking to you. He is calling you to come to him. More »