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Power in Weakness

One of the most empowering gifts of peace we can give to each other is to confess our weaknesses. More »

A Generous God

God our Father loves us with boundless love. His love has no limits—extending even to the sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus. More »

In Christ, I Can Do All Things

When the “I can’t” voice rises up and tries to convince you that you can’t do it, respond by saying, “In Christ, I know I can.” More »

St. Monica and the Power to Love

It wasn’t Monica’s words or her ability to philosophize that changed Augustine. It was her love, her prayer, and the fact that she was always available to him, ready to help him when his time finally came. More »

A Priceless Gift

This is the true measure of a gift’s value: the sacrifice made by the one giving it. More »

Morality. Freedom and Human Dignity

Christian morality is a way of life in which we are transformed into unique living images of Jesus and vital members of his body, the Church. More »