The Word Among Us

November 2022 Issue

Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By: Jeff Smith

Mercy Triumphs over Judgment: Dear Brothers and Sisters, by Jeff Smith

Every November the Church highlights Scripture texts that urge us to be prepared for the day when Jesus comes again. And yet many of us Catholics (and that includes me!) don’t think about Jesus’ Second Coming very often. It seems as if the early disciples were more eager for Jesus to come again than we are today. So this month’s issue of The Word Among Us will focus on what we affirm in the Creed every Sunday: “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.”

As we ponder Jesus’ Second Coming, however, it’s important we keep two truths in mind at the same time. On the one hand, Jesus will be seated at the right of the Father as our judge. He’ll know our every thought and deed, good and bad. On the other hand, the blood that he shed for us at Calvary will be more than enough to forgive our sins. It will be here, when Jesus comes again, that we will experience the full impact of the truth that “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13). With the psalmist, we will proclaim that “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us” (103:12).

Jesus assured us that when the end draws near, we should not be fearful. Rather, he said, “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand” (Luke 21:28). And because he wanted us to be ready for his coming, he told three parables that can help us be prepared for that day (Matthew 25:1-13; 14-30; 31-46). So let’s listen carefully to what he wants to teach us. In the meantime, let’s focus on the incredible promises that await us. Just think: one day evil will be no more, and God will be “all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:28). So together, let us pray, “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!”

Honoring a Friend. The Lord has sent many friends and servants to The Word Among Us over the years who have helped us to fulfill our mission. One of these special people is Fr. Joe Mindling, OFM Cap.

Fr. Joe is a respected Scripture scholar who has served as one of our theological advisers since 1995. But especially to me and to Leo Zanchettin, our editorial director, Fr. Joe is much more than an advisor—he is a trusted friend, a brother in the Lord, and a wise counselor. We are better servants of you because of our friendship with Fr. Joe Mindling. As he retires from twenty-seven years of advising us, please join us in asking the Lord to continue to abundantly bless him. Fr. Joe, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Jeff Smith, President
