The Word Among Us

Advent 2022 Issue

Nothing Is Impossible with God

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By: Jeff Smith

Nothing Is Impossible with God: Dear Brothers and Sisters, by Jeff Smith

Here at The Word Among Us, we receive so many letters and emails from our readers asking us to pray for them or their loved ones. One man from the Midwest recently wrote us, “My wife and I need prayers for our two sons, that God would remove the ‘spiritual cataracts’ on their hearts so that they may see the truth of the Catholic faith and return to our family.” Letters like this one are proof of how deeply we love our families! Some of us even fear for their salvation, and we feel deep sorrow if they have fallen away from the Church.

If you are in this situation, remember the angel’s words to Mary at the Annunciation: “Nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). Whether you are anxious about your children’s faith or about your financial situation, whether you are afraid of a sickness that has intruded, or whether you are afraid for someone nearing death, know that Jesus and his angels are standing at your side right now, assuring you, “Do not be afraid. Nothing is impossible for God.”

“I Am with You.” During this season of Advent, our attention is often drawn to Mary and Joseph. Yet as much as we love hearing their stories, we can sometimes lose sight of how challenging life was for this couple. We think that because Mary was sinless, she must have found it easy to trust in God—far easier than it is for us.

But the truth is that Mary and Joseph faced real struggles and had to deal with real fears, just as we do. For instance, when we hear that Mary was “greatly troubled” at the sight of the angel Gabriel, we know that she must have been frightened. Why else would the angel tell her, “Do not be afraid, Mary” (Luke 1:29, 30)? But as real as their fears may have been, we know that they trusted God’s promises, they surrendered their hearts to him, and they didn’t let their fears keep them from following his will. And by God’s grace, we can do the same!

During this Advent season, no matter what challenges you may be facing, the Lord wants to tell you, “Do not be afraid, my child. I am with you.” He wants to remind you that he is the God of the impossible! And when you feel weak, he wants to urge you to say, along with St. Paul, “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me” (Philippians 4:13).

You can trust in the God of the impossible because his strength is in you. Where can you find this strength? In the quiet of your heart as you turn to him in prayer each day. It is there that you can hear Jesus’ words of reassurance: “Do not be afraid, my little one. You have found favor with your Father in heaven.”

Jeff Smith, President
